Land Use
Since one of the primary purposes of a Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) is to help guide land-use and conservation planning, it is essential to identify current land uses and
zoning as a baseline for future decision-making.
NRI mapping includes:
Existing Land Use
Existing Zoning
Brownfields, Waste Sites & Regulated Facilities
Existing Zoning
Land Resources
Land resources – both above and below ground – make some areas better suited for specific uses. Identifying geological and other biophysical features is a critical element of NRI mapping. These resources include:
Parks, Recreation & Conserved Lands
Topography & Steep Slopes
Bedrock & Surficial Geology
Biodiversity Areas, Rare Plants & Animals
Department of Environmental Conservation Nature Explorer
Water Resources
The City of Peekskill is within the Hudson River Watershed and contains a variety of important water resources including:
Drinking Water Resources
Water Quality
Historic & Cultural Resources
Environmental resources alone do not represent the full extent of an area’s assets. Historical and cultural resources contribute to a sense of place and are important factors to consider in future planning efforts. These resources include:
Environmental Justice Areas
Historic & Cultural Sites
Climate Change & Resiliency
The Natural Resources Inventory also includes mapping to identify areas that may be more vulnerable to projected changes in climate, as an aid to future resiliency planning.
NRI mapping includes:
Seal Level Rise Projections
Flood Hazard Areas